A side by side of cool tone vs warm tone hair
The first thing I've noticed since worshipping Apollon
Tbh, I feel like we need more different terms to describe hooded eyes
Too pretty for Hermoine and not pretty enough for Belle?
I got some warm lowlights put in my hair today and I love how bright and glow I feel.
Reminder for new users.
JanitorAi and dating scene
Since site is down. What has been the most random, freakiest , and weirdest comments on a bot review you have seen in this site
AITAH for telling my gay friend that he cant persuade every man
Stevie Nicks this week on CBS Sunday Morning speaking unapologetically about her abortion and using her platform to rally for our rights
The Sunday Spell. This post is a spell. Put something into the comments that you want to occur. All who read that can then lend their energy to making that a reality. Lets all join forces for each other. Time to bend the Universe a little.
Praise be to the Devs!
my bad damn 😭
What’s your “I did not care for the Godfather” of Sailor Moon?
Books where the betrayal scene leaves you speechless by how cruel and heartwrenching it is
lets spell our names with taylor swift songs!!
Drop the most recent photo in your camera reel in the comments and we'll assign you a song
Who Does Taylor Need To Collab With?
In love with my ocean blue moissanite.
What are your favorite NSFW euphemisms?
Testing out my deer makeup
Inbred Finn cults
An Open Letter to Minnesota
Pictures from my visit to the Bristol Renaissance Faire
All public restrooms in America seem to be like this - why bother having a door if it doesn’t cover you?