CRT vs CRT Shader 240p
Just bought this! How good is it?
Some 16bit rpg boss sprite beauty. Just beat Alcahest and Beyond Oasis. Illusion of Gaia is next.
Ill be thinking about this one for a long time. Amazing game. [Beyond Oasis]
Havent gamed on a CRT in 15 years. There's a party happening in my heart right now.
Old meets new. Havent played on a CRT with the proper controllers in years. Feels just like home.
Havent gamed on a CRT in 15 years. Theres a party happening in my heart right now.
Controller finally came in. In love. New to the Saturn but this just feels like home in my hands.
Picked up a Panasonic BT-S901Y, a delightfully low-TVL early 90s pro monitor
Finished up an OLED GBC build.
Warhammer 40k Battle sister does a VERY good job at reminding you you’re playing as a sister of battle and not a space marine every time you look down
He fooled me
I just launched my Steam page for my graphic-novel inspired boomer-shooter Meat Gone Wrong!
Vail’s now got a free-to-play mode if you’re curious
Wtf is this ad for Vail
If you’re still on the fence, take the jump —it’s phenomenal.
Im a bit of a lapsed pokemon fan but every once in a while that electric 90s Poke fever takes hold
My own Pocket Color! Took all day to build but came out better than I imagined. Cheers, boys.
NES games look and feel outstanding on the pocket.
Picross makes my heart happy. Always a chill play session.
What song is this for you guys?
What song is this for y'all?
Is it just me that Skyrim VR doesn't give me the same joy of Skyrim SE