What actually causes hoods to stop opening all together?
Watching Sim YouTubers makes me feel awful about my own game 😭
why are ppl in law so insufferable
Big world with everything?
What aging system do you use?
Townies being generated in my custom hood :(
How to avoid same face syndrome in CAS?
Sim Object Error
Capp poker night! Albany lost to his wife and daughters and now cannot show his face around Veronaville or his fellow partners at the law firm Goth & Burb again.
Rotational Play made me love this game even more
Déjà vu anybody?
The Benjamin Long plague... please help they're all falling in love with each other
When did you start dating after a break up?
Can I safely remove custom hair colours?
Has anyone tried Linux?
What seat did you think you’d like but disliked?
Olive Specter’s career
Which popular mods don't you use?
Playing an Uberhood and having Strangetown and Pleasantview sims randomly pair up:
Dropping Everyday a Random Sims 2 Fact for 365 Days! Day 292 - Predistined Hobbies and Personality
Misophonia Researcher has a question
My favourite ladies!! All of them are so beautiful with some touching up :3
What level chemistry do your sims pairs have?
I’m getting really annoyed with this and hoping for a solution!
What is the #1 worst way to die?