[TOMT] Horror movie where guy is about to get oral, but then the lady turns into a monster
Which movie is this from
The old school wax coke cups
Marcus Wayne Chenault Jr., who murdered the mother of Martin Luther King Jr.
Two guys fishing for piranhas
TMS is found! The song is called Subways Of Your Mind by FEX.
AIO for feeling like my maintenance guy was being “creepy”?
Dude is a billionare and this was the best he could come up with. You should see his 25 y/o GF.
Name your yin and yang flicks! I’ll start:
Just Getting into Bluegrass (need recs for faster songs)
‘Everyone was paddling to get away’: seals with rabies alarm South Africa’s surfers
The boy in the window from Three Men and a Baby
Made a list of non David Lynch movies that feel Lynchian to me
2.5 bags of chocolate chips lol
Chris Farley would have turned 60 today.
Finally got a kitchen torch and made my first Baked Alaska! Plus a bonus s’mores hot chocolate
[Homemade] S’mores hot chocolate
Rod Serling’s Devils and Demons
Who would you cast as The Major in The Long Walk movie?
Best Horror Novel NOT made into film (yet)
I made a big list of DeepWoods/BackWoods Creepy relatable content throughout Reddit
The Potter Lot in Rhode Island is a historic New England plot riddled with ghostlore. Currently working on a plan to restore the headstones. Pictured: Peleg Walker, “Life how short, eternity how long”
When our plates chip, it’s always in the same way and size.
If you could know the absolute truth to one question about any event in history, what would you ask and why?
Anyone know the name of the cartoon Elena is watching in Beyond the Black Rainbow?