I am literally video image
me fr
I know I should be institutionalized for this, but I don't care. I'm free.
Everyone who comments before geo_david gets a fat tasty cookie, get yours quick!
Send me all ur Maki slander
Ichimonji Double : Is Broken
Someone was carrying 4 mammoths and the pump and dump
This is what a real pirate looks like
If Gojo cared about academics
Pick who goes in the black cell
Who would drop it down on your dihh better? Female Gojo, female Geto, or female Mahito?
How far does Omni-Woman go in the verse?
KGB when there's a break:
Jujitsu Kaisen took some serious inspiration fromn Tokyo Ghoul
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Can anyone recommend an artist who has a similar style to BNHA and takes commission?
Why is futa making this face? Does he have constellation?
Majimbo won, who presents themselves as good but is actually evil?
what is it for you?
Hopefully geo's happiest day - Uraume (Shiori Himi technically) is canonically a beautiful woman
Sukuna takes her body, how strong is he turning that technique
How to we feel about this fellas tier list
As a powerscaler, what is your least favorite panel?
Sub member gets lobotomy so bad they attract all 3 active mods to their modmail hissy fit after getting banned.
I don’t watch the show is their a reason people wouldn’t buy this skin?