Everybody forgot Vedant Agarwal (Pune Porsche case)
Why do lean startups always win?
This is how I scaled a store from $0-$39,000 in ad spend on meta ads. (2.08 ROAS)
Indian Ms and Kashmiri M relationship dynamics
Someone screamed Ausländer raus
Please call 112 if you see someone having a medical emergency
YOLOv8 custom model training on Jetson Orin Nano
UPDATE: From an Englishman in Deutschland - These are the best biscuits for dunking
Me and bf (both 32) have been together for 3 years, always apart. When does waiting to be together expires?
What exactly is the appropriate way to approach someone you’d like to connect with in public? Or is that a total no no in Germany?
Is it just a start-up thing or „Berliner start-up“ thing?
Yesterday’s aurora borealis over Berlin
Northern lights in Berlin?
Analysis for my family run restaurant
Help regarding E PRIMO
Help me figuring out the perfect profile for a berliner apartment hunter
Is it worth contacting departments with your profile to see if you're a good fit, for Masters (not PhD)?
[D] ICCV Reviews are out
CVPR reviews out