Why isn't more deathcore making music about shit going on in the world?
DrBones’ 1,000+ Divine Giveaway
Can someone help and explain me the theory
I will hide skins IRL so players finally go outside
BIG price drop - Cort kx507ms
Shiey on Patreon about the new format
Strong grip for a dead guy...
Ibanez RGD7521PB-DSF vs Schecter Omen Elite 7?
Most superheroes would probably develop CTE from all the hits to the head they would get over the years.
I have never used profanity on reddit
So the game blessed me tonight so giveaway time.
So guys, who do you think is THE tech death guitarist?
I'm making a sort of prog/tech death playlist but I'd say it's mostly tech death, any suggestions on what to add?
Minion Build Arsonist T4 Xesth and 1,000 Divine Giveaway Announcement
Does anyone know why Empire and Humanity (also their earlier stuff) are not on Spotify?
Astramentis giveaway
4 x 80 divines giveaway (next 8 hours of posting)
Deadeye ranger giveaway. valued around 100+ divine.
Just had a well-rolled Atziri drop in the last map of the day, can't believe I hit that corruption
Giving away poison conc ranger build and some currency
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (1x up to $100) – To Celebrate the First Major Release of the Maseylia Demo!
GIVEAWAY: 3 X AK-47 | Asiimov (MW) - Just comment your favourite CS gamemode!
I'll buy you any steam game you choose, up to the value of $100! (+ my two previous games)
Over een sterke band gesproken… 🥲
You gotta hear this