‘Sweet Dreams’ finished!
Are you ready to live another 30–35 years?
Screw Zodiacs, which Ghost Category would you wanna be when you die?
Go ahead and get your kids the Gardasil vaccine
Drivers on Negley this am: Yinz are INSANE!
I thought I'd never even make it to 18. Now I'm 28.
Interested in helping remove invasive species, but I think I'm too squeamish to do animals? How do people who remove invasive animals do it?
It's okay to NOT have kids of your own.
“You want to have autism so bad” Convo w/ my spouse
Do you think we were all abused as children?
It's really slippy aht n'at.
Sorry! Not Sorry!! This should be the name of the game. Is you family as ruthless while playing board games?
How likely is the medication ban to happen?
Corporal Punishment
Family outing by opt1gan
He burrowed under my laptop so he could poke his head out and beg for my icecream 🧡
Am I the only one who thinks this whole “embrace being alone” BS is just a massive cope?
How would you describe the people who desperately want a return to office?
When was the last time you stayed up past midnight?
What is the cruelest response someone had to you opening up about your trauma?
My mom burned all my drawings
Why do people think that if we forget about traditional gender roles, we'd fall apart as a society?
What did they see? (Wrong answers only)