what tapes can i put in this??
What's ur best pickup line?
What's socially acceptable but morally wrong?
Can anyone recommend a good movie to watch and why?
What is your favorite YouTube video?
What is the worst advice you have been given and how did it affect your life?
Ladies - would you go on a date with guy who has a cat? Why or why not?
What do you think is worth dying for, if anything ?
Had struggled with OCD thoughts my whole life, 1 month on Zoloft. Why do I feel like I’m cheating?
[Serious] When was the last time you actually felt truly alive?
What was the one household item you got where you said, "I'm finally an adult."?
Why do you think women talk about clothes, men, and music instead of the Franco-Prussian war of eighteen seventy and the birth of the second German Empire?
What's one movie or show you would remove from your memory and why?
How did the internet ruin something you once loved, and turn it into "brainrot"?
What's the sound your room door makes when it opens (type out the sound as letters that sounds like it)?
thoughts on this look? (camellia covered in snow)
0.5 closeups of random people in the freeplay server i was in cause why not
how’s it doing??
It didn't work for me 😢
zoloft newbie
Does Zoloft help PTSD trigger?
Upping dose from 25mg - any recent experience here?
Avocado Update!
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