What song oozes sex
this house layout so bad i had to go outside and connect with nature
Just some pictures that show my personality. (Feeling low wanted to post the happy times)
My living space
18 - Straight and Gay, Bedroom Kind of Out of Balance, Suggestions?
Found a picture of Eminem as a baby and it gave me the same vibes
In which country are you leaving?
My dad said that my grandpa was ugly as shit
imagine being pretty .
AITA? My wife did not take me voting for Trump well.
Forest in the winter, Russia = 🤮🤮🤮
Like I get it, get that bag. But why do they have to ignore the girlies to do that?
we should all breed and have ugly daughters to annoy this man
Anyone experience people barking at or near you at random?
Why do people tell uglies they’re ugly?
Anyone who is ugly and stil have high standards?
i love my gf
He he he
None of them would reject the gooner life for someone like me. Hugs.
I (F26) followed internet advice and asked out my "lonely" zoomer best friend (M25). He rejected me.
Seriously thinking about buying a friend
anyone here with face deformities?
anyone get annoyed when someone is better looking *and* talented
What are your favourite pieces of media?
even people that have an ugly fetish dislike us😭
Do you really think the reason we don't have many friends is because of having shitty personalities? Or do you believe that to have friends you just have to not be ugly? I don't feel like you can work to "improve your personality" to have a social life if you're ugly