What does it mean to have an unaspected chart ruler?
I feel bad for Piper
Unsure how many people on this sub or in the show’s world realize this, but….
Witches: I need your help
please give my residence card. just another rant.
That’s the 3rd episode ending on Tim (Jason Isaacs)
NYT Parker Posey interview hints at incestuous relationship
Paula is worse than Olivia
What is she hiding???
Pisces New Moon February 27th Astrology and House Themes by Rising Sign
Looking for content creator in Lisbon, Portugal
Who do we hate the most so far?
Will I be moving out of the country before my next solar return?
What are some books with INCREDIBLE endings?
I'm worried about moving to Portugal as an American when Europeans seem to hate us so much
How do I contribute to the cause if my job is in social media?
Air purifiers for people impacted by LA fires
Why does ‘the Jet Set’ get so much hate?
Ideal cities for introverts to make friends?
Did anyone else see Agatha's succubus powers as a metaphor for addiction?
My favorite candle jar cracked, completely unused. Any way to salvage the wax so I can reuse?
If transit retrograde Mars is conjunct my natal Mars, which Mars return should I look to?
What does a mars return in retrograde look like?
What does it mean if your mars return is retrograde?
My tv addiction is out of control