Why does she tell the same story over and over?
revelatory GFM from last year
Do you think she's actually pregnant?
Several people asked about the lists she was making last year for routines.
I Don't Believe She Really Went To The Hospital
Of course she is.
Of course! Another Excuse Not to finish her Paper!!
can we get a munchie madness flair or something pls🤣
Someone made instant spicy noodles and took a whole table.
Ok WHAT???
This entire outfit is nuts
Uh.. yikes.
Becky’s birth demands.
I'm surprised this hasn't been shared yet. She looks INSANE.
I just watched the Ruby Franke documentary, thinking a lot about influencer snark
part 2 of becky's day in the life - and indefensivable proof women do not belong in the kitchen. take that tradcaths
For what purpose would one worship Loki? (non-norse person here)
“Baby Kicks”
Ozempic baby
Jump scare
Wtf lol
Context from the subscriber chat.
🚨 New grift soon 🚨
Hmm.. maybe because she is one of those “horror stories”
Damn that stalker.