Notes of a Trumpet Solo Visualized in Real Time
Trailer for "TOGETHER" starring Alison, in theaters Aug 1
Haven't seen a slap like that since the Oscars
So fuck uber eats’ spurious math
Ok Petah, what can you make of this.
Peter, I don’t get it 😭 What’s wrong with the names?
Spotify bio updated from past tense to present tense
No idea
News has got me doing lots of escaping/avoidance behaviors
Hi everyone, today I finished this pixel art of one of the most iconic panels in Watchmen, and a friend suggested I upload it to this forum. I hope you like it!
Might get dragged for this (I hope not lol) but this was the happiest moment I’ve had in years
[America] driving skills
Playing games with my friends can be disheartening sometimes
I fell asleep under a tree, and it fixed me
Need a software to help sort out images and videos with the ability to find duplicates
What would you say if you saw me in person? Be honest
2000's throwback party
Double feature
r/Synology users be like
soulwax / charlotte adigery - THE BEST THING - VIDEO
What do you think is the funniest kill in horror? I'll go first:
Going to a concert and having the lead singer pee on me is not on my bucket list but I guess it's on his.