When someone wants it extra dirty
A take on a Long Island..
Curious why people respect me more as a bartender than a server
are any bars open
How do you handle people fighting over who pays the tab?
What's the hardest line in a Fiona Apple song.
Am I in the wrong here?
Must Listen to Albums?
Waterworks Closed
FSU left out of CFP, rank #5
What are the best breads for PBJ?
Dutch crunch was on sale but I didn’t have proper sandwich ingredients and was craving a PBJ with milk…
Favourite Hole Lyric?
Weekly Achievement and Milestone Thread
My dad found this in storage from when he was younger. Any idea what it might be worth?
Public Meetup???
Threatening me 😭😭
Not sure how I feel about this one tbh
Depop keeps pushing back my payouts!
Haven’t been paid since October….. depop payments piling up
Payout continually failing?
"Payout failed" message
bank couldn't process payout
Never thought a mid-life "crisis" would be this much fun!
This one was interesting
How do sellers want people to reply to messages like this?