Just how much land does a man need?
A car or Land first ?!?!
The astronauts👨🚀 journey back to Earth 🌎 from the ISS🛰📡 ,took 17hrs🕐 At speeds exceeding🚀 595KM/HR!
Ai assistant for Python programming.
When you read the Bible, in the beginning (Genesis) you read about people who lived for over 900 years.
Impressions down to 0?
Take a quiz on Python functions.
python functions quiz-how well do you understand python functions
Python functions quiz
Take this quiz on Python loops.
The Walrus(:=) operator in Python.?
Loops in Python - Quiz
Why do we still obsess over virginity?
The walrus Operator( := )
Lets Talk About Deepseek
You know very little about python operators. Prove me wrong.
Parents are overrated 😒☹️
I'm team Okiya the 6th all the way, but I want to acknowledge the finyaring that Riggy G did today
Life is a mess, and then you die.
How well do you understand Python variables and data types? Take a quiz.
How would you name this character?
Atheists Rant
North Korea
*args and **kwargs- define functions that take arbitrary number of arguments.