My Penitent Engine
My Canoness
White is hard to paint, should I use a wash?
Repentia and Arco Flagellant.
An inquisitor and his retinue
My first Sister
Fun little weirdo, shame it has no actual 40k rules
As it has no 40k rules this looks like a good whisper merchant to me...
Space Marine Eliminator
My Death Guard Kill Team
Death Guard Kill team complete
Should I glue my Space/Plague Marines from the Kill Team Starter Set?
What’s your wish for a new kill team, new models or otherwise?
Hunter Clade build question
Some Terminators
First of my Angels of Death Ultramarines
2025 release predictions
First Plague Marine of the starter set done
A dome runner hanger on using a spare model from the Callis and Toll Age of Sigmar set
28mm scale slick Devlan I made
Every Model is a Necromunda Model
Obvious enough AoD grenadier or does he need more grenades stuck to him?
Angels of Death gunner conversion
Ambot done. As a Imperial Fist player I feel a bit dirty, but happy with the results..