How many times is normal to die on steel soul?
Suggestions for mathy skramz/screamo?
What are your favorite bands?
Just died to the hollow knight on steel soul
Did I cheat?
Slam Dunk 2025 Stage Times
For Everyone Thinking About a Starter Turntable
Living as a Midwest Emo fan in the UK
Bands with pretty much unchanged lineups?
Has anyone used Bergshult with Ramshult brackets for large Lego models?
Songs that go “na na na”
Terrible quality photo I know, but maybe a sleuth out here can tell me if this is a Kestrel, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk or something else- it was too far away for me to tell. Spotted in West Yorkshire
This is genius.
My favorite albums by color, share yours!
Charli definitely cannot come to Dubai
What was the first song you listened to this year?
Some of my faves of 2024 (owls, raptors, etc). First full year getting serious about wildlife photography. Which ones do you like most? Open to advice for improving.
The Penis U Need
Sometimes I see a bird and want to get a better look with my binoculars, but I struggle to find it again because I don’t know where to look when zoomed in. Then when I take them off I can see it again. Any advice for ‘tracking’ birds I see with binoculars?
Beginner here and just got a MicroFreak for Christmas, how do I connect it to my audio interface for audio and midi functionality? (Ableton)
Disappointing 2024 albums
how did everyone discover underscores?
What Albums Get A LITTLE Too Much Praise?
My Personal Quintessential Emo Album List! May be missing some so please add any missing albums for me!
What's your favorite album from this year that Fantano didn't review?