Does Kipchoge's training compare to the philosophy behind Norwegian Singles?
How I ran a 2:44 Marathon using the sirpoc™️ Norwegian singles
Norwegian singles/ sirpoc ™️ links for those wanting more
Final update for a while using the sirpoc ™️ / Norwegian singles method - Mile PB
How long did it take you to see improvement using Norwegian Singles?
Norwegian singles vs. polarized training in a 2014 comparison study
Optimal 6 day training schedule for masters
*Update* on results using sirpoc™️/ Norwegian singles method - running a mile!
Single "Norwegian" Threshold system
Looking for workout suggestions to increase top end 5k speed?
Cycling as cross training for 10k racing: a very thorough retrospective
Thoughts on replacing long run with a light threshold session
Pacing advice HM based on training
Sub Threshold 3 days a week
Anyone else feeling overwhelmed by “adulting” lately?
Convergence of LT1 and LT2 pace
Why increase frequency before volume?
Sub Threshold training only for hobbyjogger