will anyone be willing to buy? I’ll take offers, user masonfs
Can you still get epics from artist quests?
The auction ended and the timer just…..reset?? I’m so confused
Pick 2 colors, the rest are gone forever
Every album id give a perfect 10/10 rating to, thoughts?
I’m listening to an album for every day of 2025, these are the albums I listened to in January ranked from best to worst (I take recommendations!)
Here’s every album I’d give a perfect 10/10 to, thoughts?
Denzel Curry word art (made by me)
did I overpay
How much is this worth?
I’m crying from laughing
Are these Halloween editions still worth anything? If so how much
That’s it. Let’s figure out this Epic drop rate.
Bid up
Has anyone else had bid problems?
Bid up 🙏
Bid 97k on auction, get outbid, and didn’t get my coins back?
For 100 day streak, I’ll be giving a few people some of their favorites (drop user below)
Quitting and giveaway😔
I’m so happy rn
200k giveaway :)
Somewhat hard stuck in arena 19, any tips for my deck?
What song is it for you?