Energy production always proportional to use
What fucked you up for the rest of your life?
Naomi King has released a second video on Daniel Greene.
MCDM's Illrigger Class now available on DnDBeyond
The Blood Moon Event in Phasmophobia Should Be Optional for New Players Experiencing the Game for the First Time!
Book cover by me
Yes, There Was a Baby Orc and an Orc Family on THE RINGS OF POWER Season 2 (Get Over It!)
The New York Times just dropped an article on the NG allegations
Nervous Question - How complicit was Amanda Palmer?
I'm Still
I may end up with my lesbian friend
What is your number 1 request for the next Mass Effect installment?
Choose wisely.
What are some books regarded as great by people here that you couldn't just get into?
Any Fantasy books from the perspective of an inhuman “monster”
Someone You Can Build a Nest In (a review for my 'Published in 2024' Bingo Card)
Does anyone else not care much about the plot of a book anymore? And instead, are more concerned about style, characterization, or other aspects of the novel?
Books people loved but you don't connect with?
Xbox player here just spent 9 Hours for a Car
Disappointed I didn't like a book (Babel, R.F. Kuang)
C7, instant pot/air fryer, when to open
Liara's absolute meteoric rise
Why do we demand that stories have endings? Isn't The Wise Man's Fear's ending enough?
The Rise and Fall of Evil Genius Games
I don't understand the hype behind The Name of the Wind