Fresh out of jail
Out of Jail Pic and first thoughts.
A little range day fun before work
Just picked up my first gun. Looking at ammo to buy online. Do I just enter the address for my local gun shop for shipping? Then just pick it up there? How does this work?
Cheapest 9mm ammo in San Diego
How long is your commute to work?
Finally back from Wagner
FFL03/COE Timeline
Legit seller?
Spotify issue
Kingpin Replacement Detent / Spring
Wager is the way to go.
First time doing work with Wager Machine Works. Couldn’t be more happy.
attorney instead of ccw insurance
Saw a new article thought I'd share
DEI Purchase
Glock or something else?
CA approved range bag?
Help me choose.
ICE in Visalia
Best website for optics on ar-15?
[OPTIC] Gideon omega $138 shipped no tax outside of Florida
Is there any legality to buying this for my Glock
1000 rounds in. Don't over look this guy if you're in the market for polymer striker fired handgun.