He will ALWAYS have your back.....just like he did after the January 6th insurrection!🙄
This action scene from Indian movie
Do Liberals really have a chance?
Elon would have outed Jewish people to Hitler
Whats the joke?
"The aquatic devils have remade the poor girl in their image. She is their queen, and their slave."
Je recherche un ex itinérant pour un documentaire
Cutting the top off a palm tree
What a shock /s
I noticed that even though I have been playing this game for years, I have not tried this lady yet. Those who have played it, do you recommend her?
If (VERY Big "If") Nippon was actually created for Warhammer 3, What Do You Think Their General Battle Playstyle Will be?
The ai creates their armies like a 5 year old
Where cheek kissing is a common greeting
Way cool.
Kid takes dead cicada everywhere she goes
Whats your weapon of choice?
My mom keeps opening my mail even after I told her to stop
I didn’t know Justin Bieber was born in the UK 😮
For your big fat information...
A little bit of praise.
Coca Cola has replaced artists with AI. They couldn’t even get their logo right.
The Lethal Doses Of 55 Substances
Les poules
DM Forces My Character To Go Through a “Breeding Factory”