Do you lean towards demons being fallen angels or the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim?
Any girls NOT trying to be a stay at home Mom?
Dating after Divorce
Looking for tallow.
Onion/garlic tattoo done by Paula J Davey @ Sang Bleu, London
Ready for Gemini season! Found these 2 matching vintage Pendleton wool robes for $40 each, after promising my sister I’d one day thrift her a Pendleton robe!
Hit me with tour favorite “dude lit” books
Wedding gift!
Found in an apartment hallway
Dear hurting friends
Girls - how do you show disinterest?
When do you pause your reading?
Ladies, which book made you feel, "THAT'S what I want MY man to be like!"
My new tattoo!
Why do men future fake.
Went to a young adults singles seminar and got asked about jobs right away
Vampires have been heavily romanticized in media over the years. Are there any books that give werewolves the same treatment?
My WoW Dresden
A book in which the house is basically a character
Social groups for people over 40?
Where to find nerdy Christians in college
24M American nerd
Christian women who eat food
Found a postcard from ‘87 in an old book
What books did you reread as an adult that hit completely different now?