Optimal GS element for multiplayer?
Possible Geologist Bug and Relogging for Rare Ore Exploit
E7S5 Tribbie
Valentine's Day Express Pass Giveaway x10
[US-MA] Quitting Sale - Everything Must Go [H] Deck Cores, Staples & Accessories [W] PayPal
[usa-sc] [h] fiendsmith,purrely, crbr supers[w] PayPal
[US-TX] (H) few QCR's/ulits, fire kings, snake eyes, bystials, non-maliss ED stuff, binders, etc (W) List, trades
[US-KS] [H] PayPal [W] Dinomorphia Stuffs
[US-MD] [H] CRBR Pulls [W] Money
[US-MI][H] Centurion MP24 Misprint Core, Bystial Core, Staples Lot, Lord Shi En QCR [W] PP, Small List
[US, US] [H] Every Pikachu ex from Surging Sparks and Super Electric Breaker, English Binder, Japanese Binder, Korean Binder [W] Trades and/or PayPal
[US, KS] [H] Stellar Crown Hits, Temporal Force Hits, Shiny Treasure ex Hits, Paradise Dragona Hits, Charizards [W] PayPal
[US, US] [H] ENG, JP, and Korean Binder | Palden Fates, Shiny Treasure ex, Blue Sky Stream, Super Electric Breaker, 151, Stellar Crown, TwiMasq and more! [W] PayPal G&S and Trades
[US-TX] [H]Fire king snake-eyes [W] paypal or Pokémon cards
[US-PA] [H] PayPal [W] Decks/Cores and Lightsworn/Tearlaments
[US, US] [H] ENG, JP, and Korean Cards From Surging Sparks, Super Electric Breaker, 151, Paldean Fates, Shiny Treasure ex, TwiMasq, Stellar Crown, Blue Sky Stream, and more! [W] PayPal G&S and Binders/Trades
Out of one case of Super Electric Breaker we pulled 2 of the SAR and all 4 variations of Pika. I am very pleased (:
[US, US] [H] Super Electric Breaker, Shiny Treasure ex, CZ, Temp Forces, Paldean Fates, TwiMasq, Stellar Crown, and more! [W] PayPal and Trades
[US, US] [H] Super Electric Breaker hits, Zards, Temporal Forces hits, Stellar Crown hits, Shiny Treasure ex hits [W] PayPal and Trades/Binders
[US,US][H] ENG Singles, Cheap slabs, Charizard lot, Sealed Ancient Mew [W] PayPal, Trades
70$ 20 packs, how did I do?
[US, US] [H] A mostly modern trade binder [W] Strongly Encourage Trading, PayPal @ 85% TCGPlayer lowest.
3 pack blister heat 😧
October Confirmed Trade Thread