To the middle school women of r/GenAlpha - if a second grader pulled on your back-pockets...
What is the worst song you have ever listened to?
exCUSE ME???
Bruh, i"m gen z and dont know what you guys listen to
Why are pedos bad
i hate gym
Inferno unleash the fire
Song whose lyrics you wish you never looked up
What Band Is This? For me it's Palisades
What are your top 5 musical artists?
World record?
What's your name?
Your username dictates how you die. How are you dying?
Let's see those suggestions
Schools should empower students to confront bullies directly rather than advising passive avoidance strategies
Flossing your teeth isn't that bad
First time listening Ghost Reveries on vinyl
WIBTA if I (26F) deleted pictures from my boyfriend‘s phone (22M) without him knowing.
I'm not clicking cookies without the shibas on my side. (Day7)
Stop pretending you’re dumb in class
I actually hate this game
Why does supercell allow this?
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to