THUG2 vs. THAW- which one has aged better?
Backwoods available (all EU🇪🇺)
Most vaccinated people will not understand this one
A cool guide on how to escape poverty based on where you live in the world.
Mi az, amin rengeteget lehet spórolni, de az emberek többsége nem is gondol rá?
294 Honfitársunkat fogja deportálni az ICE az USA-ból
Tudtok olyan boltot vagy weboldalt, ahol regebbi konzolok felvasarlasaval foglalkoznak?
Rc-20 is it worth it?
How much can I realistically sell my laptop for?
Legalise all drugs .
What’s one thing about NY you don’t fw
Behringer with sp1200 what’s your thoughts?
Go on, do it
How good is Dennis Smith Jr.?
First time going to a game!
I wish I was the age I am now in 90s Manhattan
My first post, big nugs for a big blunt
Lol @ these prices
Living in Borough Park?
Popping percs for juice🙏
Legit ? 4 U young cats
Trap sounds and trend in USA
Pozitív dolgok amiért jobb itt élni mint Nyugaton?
After tonight's win against the Pacers, none of our 4 First Round Picks are currently in the lottery.
cream 🍨