Which one of her songs are you convinced everyone is lying about liking?
Find someone whose favorite song is your least favorite song
Which "stolen" tracks do you still listen to because you prefer them to Taylor's version?
What is a Taylor song that you have claimed as “your song”?
I made braclets for each album
What is your favorite bracelet traded at Eras tour?
taylor & haim for seattle n1
AITA for refusing to go to the wedding of my dad and his fiance if she makes me wear a stuffy vintage dress?
UPDATE: AITA for telling my fiancée that my friend’s trauma is more important that her comfort?
AITA for telling my half-sister to stop thinking of us as sisters?
WIBTA if I told my parents my sister has her phone despite being punished?
AITA for not taking my girlfriend's apology
AITA for missing my daughters birth?
My bf didn’t tell me he was bi and now I want to break up
AITA for not telling my boyfriend I'm asexual?
Which singer or band is overrated?
AITA for asking my roommate to move out after he called my gf the c-word?
AITA for Sending an Employee Home to Change?
WIBTA for not wanting to hang up my daughter's artwork?
AITA for taking away VIP tickets from my girlfriend to give them to a kid?
AITA for getting matching tattoos with my best friend after his girlfriend told me it made her uncomfortable?
AITA for refusing to relocate for my gf?
WIBTA if I told my mother she must wear a dress at my wedding?
AITA for wanting my daughter to split her inheritance with her step siblings and half sister
AITA for "banning" my wife from putting up a TV in our living room? TL;DR: it would destroy the vibe I'm going for in the room.