Omnimod v1.8.0 Released for Experimental
Omnimod Progress Shot: Stat Levels
Omnimod Plans
Checking if a mod is running
Boss same raid level two "days" in a row
Omnimod v1.7.0 Released - Smarter Buff Gems
Omnimod v1.6.0 and More Future Plans
Newbie. Left the game on overnight, woke up to a new gild and not getting automator progress.
Guess I've done it
Omnimod v1.5.0 Released - The Coming of the Storms
Omnimod v1.4.0 Released
State of the Game and Upcoming Changes
[Clicker Heroes 2] Suggestion on Gilding Rework
World Trait Concern
Omnimod v1.3.0 Released - Monster Groups
Wizard question
Playing Clicker Heroes be like...
(TEST) Skill Tree Automator v0.3 - First release
[Mod support] Function to remove Automator Gems and Stones from savegame
Omnimod v1.2.0 Released
The game should pause/stop when you get gilding level so you can spend all your automator points
Omnimod - Gilding WIP
Do you want "Offline" Progress or a Catch-up Mechanic? Let me know!
Modding - Anyone get UI stuff working like buttons?
Omnimod v1.1.0 Released