If you had to give “Seinfeld” an alternative title (not including Jerry) what would it be?
Crazy things said to you by parents, rabbis, teachers, etc.
I like to recommend to our first-timers our signature blended drink, Caribbean Paradise.
Boop-Oop-A-Doop !
Jerry Stiller initially passed on playing Frank Costanza cause never heard of the show
If you had to live with 2 here, who would you pick?
differential diagnosis, go!
Breaking Shabbat: A weekly discussion thread:
You've said 30 insane things to me in the last few minutes.
How would you rate Leon as a housemate?
Franquito’s really been cutting the figure these days
Who's this guy?
Rudy Giuliani searches for hair coloring at WalMart
I need a yearbook quote from the Sopranos, ovah hereeee
Why didn't you tell me you were in r/curb? You should've called!
Caption This Photo! (Wrong answers only!)
When Gordon says “Good Girl”
I can see it as an episode
AITA for a French joke I made?
TIFU by sending an email to upper level management with an *egregious* typo
That’s why they have to be mixed in Europe, since they’re so rare, you never know when you’ll have it again!😂
Meat and Milk are rarer in Europe
I do choke slams and back breakers, sharp shooters, cripple creek ferry’s
Thought this would be appreciated here.
Name a Broadway/west end performer. People respond to them with the first role that performer did that comes to mind
Best Tracy one-liners