Waffle gives Alicia a True...
low tier god if he was in Fuga
Has anyone played this series yet? Has a lot of elements from the DotHack universe in it.
What if Fuga was awesome?
Made the Cast from Fuga: Melodies of Steel
Tail Concerto one-shot manga (English Translation)
LTR: Solatorobo Remake Project Announcement
the cutscenes in this game are animated like the bowser fart gif
What were the top 3 ways you mainly died this season, here is mind
Question about this censor?
Teir list based on how carri3d the characters are
this is like when marie attacked medici tower except its woke liberals and the tower is my waifu
What Era of Dragon Ball do you enjoy the most? Pre Z, Z, or Super?
Do you consider Daisy as apart of the main cast?
Import island
if you had the choice to become a mario character, who would you be?
Do you consider the Mario movie cannon?
Is it a good idea to homebrew my 2ds?
QR codes of Ms. Fortune and Umbrella Renoir from Skullgirls
saw this funny looking video with banging ass phonk music playing can any of y'all id this for me?
Is this a good name for a baby
I made Axel in Harlem from Animan Studios
Girls be like: we hate all men so we turn lesbian