4 pregnancies?
Jenni JWoww Farley - shoot for her bikini line JWOWW
Run (away)! Don’t stop!
Spotted Leslie on the way home from work 😬
Opal getting shoes next week
I dunno... I'm seeing terrified eyes...
Seriously! Did she ever finish the last giveaway ?
We made it
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The Insanity Of The Kulties!!
A Wake-Up Call on Grooming for Katie
Katie talking about Seven’s homecoming on SC
Background on RS/KVS + When did you turn on Katie?
So are we starting a betting pool?
You can tell the vets/student really love seven.
Tewby for Kirby, Dropping R’s and the Baby Talk - Impact
Apparently We're Douche Bags 🤣🤣
Please Put Your Questions 🤣
Ginger's Not Pregnant
Poor George
Anyone know what the vibe at Galaxy Skateway is these days?
The face she makes