A casual conversation between old friends
This may be Cumia’s last TSN appearance
Shuli: “I didn’t tell Bob to fake-laugh, I told him to pay attention” 🤔
Shuli calls Kevin Brennan antisemitic, as renowned antisemite Anthony Cumia sits in on his show
Shuli about to have a mental breakdown from one single troll superchat
Shit Weigher gets offended when SJ calls out Pocky & his gf for being racist. Always throws out the free speech excuse but never addresses why he associates with them. Don’t talk about mah boss!!!
Howard & Beth at Theroux wedding
KB revisits Shuli’s ISO revelation
Shuli talks about Kevin Brennan’s children
Sam Kinison and Richard Simmons on Howard Stern - 1990
6.5k watching this. Really?
Arrogant, unfunny Silent Mike
Stuttering John addresses Fred’s wife cheating rumors
Kevin Brennan and Rob Saul shit on TSN
Kevin Brennan, Rob Saul and Nasty Meal make fun of Shuli, Producer Joe and TSN
Does the Sandusky network have private recording tapes of Anthony Cumia? Some podcasts are wondering what the connection is?
This 77 year old man knocked out Shuli’s producer with one punch
Ray DeVito trashes and body shames Silent Mike Morse
Kevin Brennan says Shuli’s Take Back the Night Scam was criminal (allegedly)
This is a black man . Here is a picture of the black man's face when his black friend is still trying to convince him Shuli didn't know. This black man knows that Shuli knew. This black man is smart.
‘It is a positive thing’: Central Illinois congressman on DOGE
Shalom Bitch
Tookie: Anthony Cumia lost all credibility when he said Shuli was funny
Norm’s Omar Shariff impression was actually pretty good