Who is this poor fellow?
Made a bone bug thing
Skull I.D?
Current (clean) bone/oddities collection!! (NSFW cuz of the wet specimens)
Just found this skull on my street, we can't recognize what animal it's from.
Is this a mink skull? Central PA
Advice on macerating a skull (anxiety induced post)
Ignore the Ew. My dog picked it up in her mouth. But what is this? Should I go back for it?
Help identifying a tooth
Found this in the creek near my house, anyone know what it is?
Any ID on this skull my girlfriend got?
found in north texas in suburbs what bone (4-5 inches)
Wash flesh off bones or bury them for a bit?
What animal could this be from?
Does anyone know what animal this is and what happened?
Starting a collection
Help ID these bones please!
Jaw ID?
My bsf found these remains in central IL, any guesses? bone on top was found separately
Found this jaw bone on a walk
Any help identifying this skull fragment?
Bone haul from forest next to my house!
Your collection comes alive
I'm in the process of moving, I saw these in the back of my house (there is no backyard, I have a mobile house.) and I want to see if it's possible to ID ...