The White Lotus isn’t an M Night Shyamalan movie.
Holy shit the hot takes
The White Lotus Cast Real Life Partners
Jason Isaacs won this episode
HBO just posted this...
This is the first season that's really caught my attention since E1.
Historic vs historical
Maintain. Rhyming syllables within words. Go
What SNL skit have you watch over and over?
Settle a dispute: Bourbon 101
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
Worst scoring rule?
Fact or fiction?
Tell me one movie that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished.
Trump calls again for Canada to become the 51st state. Will it happen?
Misused words that annoy you
Best three-album runs of all time?
Movies that are good for the first 35 minutes then boring for about 20, then a plot twist and a final 45 minutes that restores your faith in humanity?
What is definitely not a sign of intelligence but people think it is?
What are your favourite profanity alternatives?
what is your favorite soda?
Who was the best recurring, but not regular sitcom character?
Anyone know about this set?
Would an American enjoy this show?