When you’re in a chase and run out of juice
Best place to sell my dad’s 2014 E63 Wagon.
Does it need a tittle?
Why Stupid People are a Greater Threat to Society Than Criminals.
Hot G Wagon
Are they gaslighting us?
This gotta be my fav angle 🤭
Audio adjacent component
The real video of musk "abandoning" his kid
IS250 actually that bad?
Who do kids learn from 🤗
Best feeling in the world
Loving my first car
Good use of eggs even with this economy
I did it, I won over my husband on audio stuff
Wife was mad at me for buying a used stool for $50
Where you’re most likely to get a speeding ticket in the US.
Doesn't get better than this
She got caught and all of a sudden she’s sorry and no longer racist.
Bill Burr does an amazing summary of Elon Musk
This is 100% flat farmland. Several years ago I snapped this pic out of the plane window in Eastern CO. The snow drifts and melt on the crops had created an illusion of endless cubism.
Full video of the ledbydonkeys projection on the Tesla giga factory in Berlin.
On the steps of the capitol no less.
Trump admitted it? twice?
Trump on record