What do you collect while traveling?
What helps you sleep through the night during a migraine attack?
Those who grew up poor, what is something those who weren't poor don't understand about being poor?
Shep! Is he really in love
Migraines in your sleep?
Kyle confirming Craig was kicked out of wedding.
Oh my dear f*cking gawd it worked. The damn coke and French fries worked.
Looking for a girls name that’s generally feminine but not trendy and ideally doesn’t end in a.
What’s your personal favorite HBO show? (Besides the top ones who are most of the public favorites)
Am I crazy? I'm 37, she's 33. I feel like I'm crazy.
Girl names that end in an “E” sound that aren’t overly common?
AIO? I went through my bestfriend's phone without her permission.. she's 17 he's 26
Cost of painting kitchen 16 cabinets doors white $4K quote is normal ?
Those of you who grew up poor, what was your favorite meal?
Hannah Berner Flop Era (respectfully)
RTO 4 days a week starting July 1, 2025
What should I do with this wall?
What’s the best migraine advice you’ve ever received? Bonus points if you thought it was *BS* but it actually worked.
Which 6 people would you pick to be stranded on an island with?
My husband's Trump obsession has turned our home into a MAGA shrine and I'm losing my mind
Make the comments look like Britani’s google search history….
Mountain lions wtf??
Seating Arrangement Team Names
What’s a Show so Deep, That You’re Still Thinking about it Years Later?
Help with the layout of my living room