Top 10 reasons why you should stop wearing polyester immediately
If every fancy outfit for parties is made of polyester, how can I stop wearing it?
Tier 1 vs Tier 2 city , which is better for quality of life
Top 10 reasons why you should stop wearing polyester immediately?
How polyester invented for World War II ended up in our personal wardrobe through marketing
How polyester invented for World War II entered our personal wardrobe through marketing
Cheap fabrics made of polyester nylon
Where do y'all buy your summer sets that aren't 100% polyester?
How uncomfortable do you find polyester?
Are we all doomed for life to wear polyester? Any non-polyester alternative brands?
How has plastic polyester, nylon become the norm of sport clothing? Need recommendations of brands that make sportwear with cotton or other natural fiber.
Is polyester that bad?
Polyester clothing everywhere
Can I get a cliffs notes on why this sub is so concerned about polyester?
Is polyester a bad material?
I’m DONE with polyester! I’m over it, okay.
Rant: I'm really tired of polyester.
How polyester invented for World War II entered our personal wardrobe?