If You Need to Bake a Cake - Get Mela Recipe Manager
Any good alternative to xHistory (can be paid)
Is There a Way to Insert a Synced Block in Another Notion Page Without Opening It?
First mac app, free mic mute.
Notion’s UI changes are prioritizing aesthetics over functionality & it’s hurting usability
What are some coolest lesser known apps that you use? Give ‘em a shoutout
My Notion website takes four seconds to load the main content - any way to speed this up?
A Definitive Clipboard Manager App Comparison
App for screenshot > annotate > copy to clipboard workflow
Would you use this?
I think I want to make the jump from Evernote. Talk to me about this.
Best Clipboard App?
Suggestions for snippets app that stores objects
Utility app to quit Finder with cmd+Q and with a shortcut to clean all notifications
how many paid mac apps do you own?
Pieoneer is out!
Notion API - How to add page ids to relations with PATCH
Online website builder which outputs a static Astro
Zapier's cost to replace Google Calendar Sync will be additional $239.88 a year if you have more then 100 tasks (Syncs) a month.
Splitting page vertically by sliding blocks: not rendered on smartphone?
I built a *faster than your launcher* launcher for macOS called Leader Key. It's the perfect sidekick for Raycast, Alfred, etc. And it's FREE and open source! Here's a video I made about it
What 3-4 creami ingredients/staples are non-negotiable for your favorite recipe?
Alfred Vs. Raycast for a newbie
Are there any iOS Notion web clippers that offer more features than just saving urls?
No respin recipe