Rent Assistance has been stopped because I apparently didn't give them the form they requested – even though I did.
Life of Apollonius of Tyana, a good book that I've never seen anyone talk about here.
Completed an activity but put straight into another one
I am afraid Sam Altman and his new project, and we thought Elon Musk was bad.
Simply not enough money to live.
Anyone else get unexplainably low KENP (kindle unlimited) pages read?
Israel's rebirth as a nation in 1948 is recognized to fulfill Matthew 24:32-34; the parable of the fig tree, an end times bible prophecy.
Help guide me what to read next slightly confused (chaos war)
Face to face required tursa?
Best staking rewards?
Reminder: Jizzlane Maxwells father purchased and owned the US school book company McGraw-Hill. It really adds more merit to Yuri Bezmenovs interview.
Our racist white supremacist Commander-in-chief has turned the USA into the biggest joke on Earth
During a recent interview, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, unveiled that Twitter's engineers stumbled upon an old line of code, over ten years old, programmed to suppress tweets containing specific keywords.
The WSJ just reported that the CIA director and Rothschilds had regularly scheduled meetings with Jeffrey Epstein. The USA is a Rothschild puppet state like every other country and your elections don't matter
Alex Jones shouts down the KKK in Waco, TX 1999 and tells them to GTFO. Link to video with audio in SS
In the early Latin editions of the New Testament, the list of regions speaking the languages the Judaists understand mentions Armenia instead of Judea
I keep getting called anti-Semitic for calling out the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are clearly Sabbatean Frankists (Satanists), not Jews, who practice black magick and financed/ran the Epstein/Maxwell child rape/sacrifice operation. The Sabbatean Frankists were ex-communicated by the Jewish Rabbis
Even the Egyptians are lying.
How much of WWI and WWII history is altered to fit the narrative of the victors?
Jeffrey Epstein Moved $270,000 for Noam Chomsky and Paid $150,000 to Leon Botstein
Maria Farmer was the first Epstein victim to report being raped by he and Maxwell to the FBI in 1996. The FBI ignored her. Maria Farmer worked for Epstein before being raped, and she said: "Later when [Ghislaine] was talking to me she says, the Rothschilds were the greatest protector of her family."
Cryptocurrency as religion
Labor increases welfare in new budget!... by about the exact same rate as inflation, making the increase virtually nothing
Did you ever wonder how K-Pop got so popular internationally? Here is the CEO of the biggest K-pop company in South Korea, receiving an award from Phillipine de Rothschild.
From ancient forts to modern skyscrapers, the UAE is leading the way in preserving the past while embracing the future