I am the messy roommate and I’m tired of overcompensating just to still fall short
I am The Messy Roommate, but I’m tired of busting my back trying and failing not to be
why am I stuck egregiously overcompensating just so roommates don’t think I’m inconsiderate for minorly inconveniencing them
How to make Math appealing to learn?
Best TV show recommendations for idling around?
Favorite fish to keep? Mine black are Neon tetras
How long do you typically quarantine new fish?
All I did was put the empty tank up and I immediately think I’m better off investing in a proper tank stand :/
My native (NY) planted tank! Currently only have a water beetle in this, what fish should I put in it?
Researches in Political Science Topic
How often do y’all shower?
I need to sacrifice the guppies.
Looking for stock recommendations to go with a school of Pygmy corys
Loach tube!
Higher Temp Small Schooling Fish
mini quarantine tank
First fish!
too many snails
People doing their PhD, how do y'all make a living?
How did you know that grad school was right for you?
What's the weirdest town on Long Island?
replace or repair filter?
Help me understand