My MH dolls
Has anyone in Brasil ever contacted mattel support?
Getting a strep throat like infection after performing cunnilingus
Can My Frankie Be Saved?
I really love this cabin update! What's your thoughts?
Kind Brazilian man rescues baby dolphin from fishing net!
LPT: motivate your child/ kids to memorize your mobile phone number.
Which Frankie?
buried secrets alt packaging
Which one should I keep? You can say neither, but I think both are fine. I am aware that #1 has a blemish on her lip and her lips are printed too low, but it's something I could fix. I care more about the eyes
Creepover party box art scan
Rate my stickers!
She's catching up on her reading
What’s your favorite family storyline?
I came on my gfs back and it was so hot she said it burned
How to restore faded shimmer in clothes and remove yellowing?
I can't be the only one getting these ads
Hi, could anyone can help me choose a budget friendly laptop support?
If you're reading this and are a frequent reader, want to get into reading- BUY A KINDLE AND Go on the mega thread, find the book section, and you will never have to pay for another book again. Thank you for improving my life r/piracy!
Draculaura and Twyla restyle
Caixa de transporte caiu e rachou ao meio
Monster High Little People set in the works??
Can you guys guess who's my favorite MH couple is?