How to reduce time spent brushing my teeth?
My sister is a model, and I am incredibly unattractive. AMA
What’s the most inappropriate thing a doctor has ever said to you? I’ll go first…
Help! Melty cookies!!
Anyone got one for me?
What's your dirty little secret?
My dog ate a ferrero rocher today
Redditors who never want to have a child, what are your reasons?
Long shot but any recommendations?
Who is the Best Overall?
What weird food did you eat as a kid and still enjoy as an adult?
i dont like layering
Are people actually having sex for over 45 minutes?
Anyone want a DTI bud?
VIP Giveaway #3!
What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
Fit & Active Whipped Crram
Barissimo Caramel Macchiato
Songs about oral sex?
Can anyone message me where to find cosmetic paradise
What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?
I smoke weed everyday, all day. Including at work. AMA
Which actress portrayed their princess the best/worst?
Ok girlie bop
What repetitive human task are you tired of doing?