Feminizing workouts?
same passage, one on drug, one sober, what do you think?
What is the most frightening sound you've ever heard?
Anyone know a good starter 3d printer
What is the ak-47 of motorcycles ?
how are woman's spaces for none passing trans woman ?
Purchase Advice Megathread - March 2025
why do transfem people like mma so much
6 years together. 2019/2025
Addressing paternal grandmother
what do you think of AOC Q27G41? VA, Mini LED
Do native Cantonese speakers sometimes forget which classifier to use?
Interested in a non- dip pen that I can use for calligraphy. What opinions do you all have on these?
is alien script allowed here?
How has your mental state changed since starting or completing your transition?
Does neck pain go away?
Is Mannol 7501 suitable for bikes? (Cager oil that is JASO MA2 rated)
What does my handwriting say about me?
My Original Tri-Colour 1993 CBR250RR MC22
She’s getting old
Does your language have any equivalent for OK /Okay /O.K.
What’s something you’re jealous that the opposite faction has that your faction doesn’t?
Are estrogen pills or injections better?
Confession: I am addicted to Jinhao
she's a thicc BOI for sure