a disturbing amount of people seem to UNIRONICALLY THINK that Sabrina is not catering to the male gaze.
The result of pregnancies and overeating
How to turn right at this no-right-turn junction?
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At least you could help him with the body...
Savage Stomp & Soccerkick...
My stairs broke. Again.
How often do you wash your hair ties, if at all?
How to auto-fit column width to selected cells
What's one opinion about universities in the UK that makes you feel like this?
What UK TV adverts are so well known that they are part of culture, recognised by everyone?
The difference between…. Being skinny and having your picture taken VS “Look how skinny I am!” Each time you get your picture taken…..
Ariana Grande has an eating disorder. Period.
I'm so embarrassed! Mom heard me having loud sex with my girlfriend
What job used to be so well paid but has hit rock bottom?
What’s a minor inconvenience in the UK that winds you up the most?
Have people gotten smellier in recent years?
What popular British TV show do you find incredibly boring and pointless?
Average London experience
What are these carbohydrates/pulses?
The hair/beauty world giving absolutely cringe, twee names to any trend.
GoodReads Alternatives?
Trains and buses for getting around?
Is it weird to urinate in your garden?
F(21) - I’m mentally ready to have sex but am too scared of the pain
Girls of the UK, what's the weirdest thing you have cried about during your period?