Lana did not want the fan in LA to post the selfie?
Monistat usage in CVS restrooms
dancing with our hands tied wins!! next: most overrated song?
19F Make me cry
Daycare gave Stranger access to my child
What girl's name has the most "Trashy Trailer Park" energy?
Chances of TN and NC being hit again
I hate that we clock in on the registers
What I think would be best for Cam atp (from a lurker)
New dresscode policy real or what?
I'm done with CVS
I'm fucking done with CVS
QT secrets
Tired of sick people coming inside
QP QR codes
Customers when you don’t let them come in to shop one minute before closing time.
Why are these systems so so mind numbingly slow?
Do you need prior experience to get Licensed in Tennessee
hourly pay
Jessie gets wronged by nursing regarding their new catheter
why i’m starting my new job hunt tomorrow
QOTD: If you could do any job other than pharmacy, what would it be and why?
I love Mondays!
Locks on products
The pharmacy customers greatest hits snide ass remarks that can make it to an album sung by pharmacy technicians