What are your unusual combinations that you KNOW are fantastic, but others refuse to get on board with?
Electrician Recommendation
What is this above the clouds? Two pillars seen from a plane.
Flying Barcelona to Birmingham - saw these two “cloud pillars” from the plane— at max altitude maybe an hour from BHX
Oi Get off my train
Multiple Recipe Tabs?!
FAQ About the New Update (please check this before posting questions)
Book club
Who is this little guy?
Delicate pink perennial, is it phlox?
Forgot to label my seedlings!
Vanilla expanded framework bug
What book is this?!
Sofa for 40 people? (It’s not the grey one)
My Scrungy Assistant
From pub trivia, mate left before getting the answer, any ideas?
Other than “Long, Long Time” what other standalone-ish TV episodes are amongst your all time favorites? (e.g Pine Barrens from The Sopranos; The Constant from Lost)
To tandem read or not to tandem read
Let’s play a game
Puppy struggling through giardia treatment - help?
Nickname Roll Call
Two of my puppy’s molars fell out at the same time while chewing on a bully stick
Any Giardia success stories?
Mr Cooper Trooper - 10 weeks
when 😂 you 😂 get 😂 a 😂notif 😂from 😂depop 😂and it’s 😂just 😂depop 😂promoting 😂sellers 😂that are 😂already 😂a top😂 sellers 😂