It didn’t fit in the case
my monitor broke
rate my friend's setup
Don't mount your monitor based on vibes...
Saying "grape" is honestly tilting.
Is OCE not being able to play King of The Hill going to be addressed?
Everyone here is an expert
First Time Basement Setup: Audio/Video Placement Questions
Blames his landlord
High outlet screwing me up. Need to put TV this high to block it. Thoughts/options?
Fireplace, TV, Center channel
Is this high enough? There's another foot of space left to the ceiling...
Does this count ? 75’’
My friend is very proud of this - Had to share.
if you put me in a game that is half finished, I will make it my mission to quit every single one...
Can we all agree this is the worst fucking map in the game
Not loving the ACR
When you spend your TV budget on the sound instead.
Friday night bliss
Home Lab/server rack is basically complete
GPU looses signal and then goes to max RPM - RTX 2060
My TruNAS server
Having Trouble with Connecting Two PCs Together
Should i change my PSU ?
CPU clock speed dropping