Kai disrespected King Pewds!
Pewds stays on top
Your mods are scared. Keep removing my posts. This sub will be ours in a few days anyways.
as a member of r/playboicarti … you guys will not win this war. us gamers game better than u. back off NOW while u still have the chance
togheter we ARE r/playboicarti... .yall will NOT win.,.... 🔫🔫🔫🔫 this reddit shi aint no joke ✌
We, r/PewdiepieSubmissions, declare war on r/playboicarti!
Seems like your mods are pussies and removed my post. But THIS IS WAR. WE WILL NOT FALTER.
I started a war between us and the cartians, Pewdbros rise!
Thought I could convince some of y'all
Kai disrespected King Pewds
Drake the type to post this kind of shit in big 2025
Pewdiepie subreddit 🥀🥀
No shot this guy is real 🥀🍷
Trapped in 2015
Kai needs to learn to respect his elders
Kai disrespected the King of YouTube
MrBeast recognizes King Pewds, Kai could never be this humble
My friend said I should protect my Queen but this piece won’t move to the spot I want it to.
Throwback to the past
I have indisputable evidence as to who the new survivor is, and it’s not a pug.
Someone made a mistake and gas was priced at 0.014€/l and some guy filled a 1000litre container in Finland
[deleted by user]
You can't even buy the original one anymore
Lots and lots of sense