Type “SpongeBob is” and have autocorrect finish it
I‘ll Start a sentence, and You have to complete it in the weirdest way
Type "Shark bit my______ Off"
What’s your demon name?
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
So meme.. now Do what it says.
Type "Am I the asshole for" and let autocomplete do its job
Type "monkey tore off my" and let autocomplete finish it.
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Type "A monster cooked my" and let autocomplete finish
Type "I don't know why I like" And let autocomplete finish it. (Oh and dear mods it is still sunday here in germany)
Favorite "Uncommon" Duo?
What will you use it on?
say can i and let the text complete it
I must know
Type “I’m your” and let autocomplete finish it
Can you write your username with your eye closed
How good I'm with different characters. (I play with pretty with much everyone)
My apato got a truly glorious ending 💀
Hot take: I like JW rebirth spino
Anyone experienced a surge of epics after the update? I feel like as the diversity of creatures are on the map decreased then the epics have more spawning rates.
What monster has the best kill animation? (Image unrelated)
How would you guys feel about having custom kill animations? (Image unrelated)