Something revolutionary just happened
Everyone talks about foods, but do you have a drink that's specific to your region or city?
Strawberries are gross
Found in Northern CA by a creek.
What is this rock I bought for a few bucks at the flea market?
what condition is this card?
Me (right) and my twin at 7,15,35,49
[Entry Thread #103] It’s that time where we spring forward! We once again ask for your participation by commenting and entering, then donating to the winner!
Are you someone who has a big gap between your two front teeth? Is that something that has bothered you? Have you or have you wanted to get it fixed?
This happens to at least half of the older folks that I help
Happens to at least half of the people over 60 who I help.
Or American Dad, or anything by Seth MacFarlane
Mars is Just Like Earth
What is this thing?
I was walking my dog and came across the car of some poor soul. Totally sucks.
What American grocery item did you have to downgrade to a cheaper brand or completely eliminate from your shopping list due to higher prices caused by inflation?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
How do you buy a small piece of land with forest?
What’s an experience you’ve had that made you realize you might not be as smart as you think?
What’s your top three favorite?
You’re on death row and will be executed at 10am tomorrow. You get to pick any person in the world to have one last night of sex with, along with a final meal of your choosing.
Who was your first movie crush and why was it Westley in The Princess Bride?
Am I the only one who takes shrooms mainly to stop being obcessed over people who clearly don't like you
Mars Rover captured a TicTac on camera SERIOUS
Trump Took Away Adobe Acrobat and it took Me 45min to Combine Files